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About Us

We are Sandra and Luke, two soulmates who found each other at a dusty Australian doof (outdoor music festival) almost four years ago, both with a passion to help others reach their highest potential, health and wellbeing. We are the faces behind Alchemic Health, and we believe that the way we treat our bodies, minds and spirits today needs to radically change if we want to live our most fulfilled life on this planet.

There are several dimensions to wellness, and we need to treat all of these – not just one. That’s why we combine naturopathy, bio-hacking and sound healing to treat the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of our being. We focus on a holistic approach to discovering your optimal state of health and wellbeing


Optimal health is vital if we want to live a long and happy life. In this current day and age, we are constantly bombarded by numerous factors that contribute to the deterioration of our wellbeing. Many of us often wait until the signs of illness arise before we take action on correcting or improving our health, but maintaining good health throughout all stages of our life requires continual work and attention.

Alchemic Health provides a true holistic approach through naturopathic practices, bio-optimisation techniques, and sound healing to correct your state of wellbeing. Numerous methods and modalities are used to address the mind, body and spirit through our alchemical practices which aim to assist in transformation of self. Alchemic Health formulates unique methods of healing designed to address the root cause of your problem. Leading by example, we personally use our own unique methods to assure and demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatments.

At Alchemic Health we are here to address all types of ailments, however we specialise in areas such as neurological issues for cognitive decline, memory loss, depression, anxiety and cognitive enhancement for increasing focus, concentration and memory. We also focus on endocrinological issues for low testosterone, male and female hormone imbalances and fertility, as well as hormonal optimisation for increased performance and recovery. Alchemic Health is also working in the new and exciting field of longevity to increase lifespan, warding off age related diseases and increasing quality of life.

Improving health requires strong determination and will-power by an individual, so persistent support and encouragement is provided along with education in your treatment. All treatment programs are custom made specifically for the patient addressing all aspects of the self – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Driven by this fresh and new perspective Alchemic Health aims to make a real change in people’s lives.


  • Naturopathy
  • Sound Healing
  • Biohacking
  • Mental health support
  • Fertility and hormonal health
  • Drug education and rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Dietary and nutritional assistance
  • Personal and spiritual growth
  • Vibrational/energetic balance


How can we truly trust the healers we seek to help ourselves? This goes for any healer from any modality, a doctor, a naturopath, within Chinese herb medicine etc. How can we trust what they are telling us to be true advice for us that comes from a place of love and service to others, and not service to self?

I find many healers these days come from a good place, but their knowledge and guidance is misplaced due to egoic means. Be it financial incentives or just wanting to keep their job via sticking to what their authority has told them to say. But is it truth? This is something we need to question.

I for one don’t stand for this. This is not an ego push but to merely state my own story and case. I have lived through my healing process and learnt through my modality. We can all read books and take information from science, but unless we apply that into our lives, live it and truly find out what works and what doesn’t, then how can we know what’s true? At the same time I can only state my own truth, as each of us has our own unique version, but I think in this we all resonate to a core truth that can be used for all.

I have lived through numerous addictions, pain and suffering and I found out that if I wanted to be happy and really help other people then I needed to address my own flaws and weaknesses first to create a stable and clear vessel before I can continue to help others. How could I help other people if I was being a hypocrite and not addressing my own issues.

For 10 years I have been working every day, addressing and correcting every part of my being physically, mentally and spiritually. As I went down this path, the more I grew an understanding of myself and reality. It has not been easy, and these things aren’t, but they are the most rewarding things to work through in the end. I realised my own pain was my catalyst and opportunity for change, as I did not want to suffer by not confronting my own demons.

Now I come forward in the best state I can be, to help all that I can. This does not mean I am perfect, I do not believe there to be such a state, but I believe in always perfecting myself and taking responsibility for who I am without blame or excuse. I am grateful for all my flaws and wrong doings as they have allowed me access to my own transcendence.

Through this I believe I can now help my fellow man by showing them the door to true healing of the self, not for my own self-glorification but merely to be happy and blissed in seeing the positive change in those I touch along my path. This is what I endeavour to do whilst I live this life and it comes from the heart.


Ever since a kid, I’ve been fascinated by sounds and had a big passion for music. I used to make strange sounds with my mouth and sing for myself making up the lyrics and music on the go. In my teenage years I started playing the guitar and got into rock and metal. During that phase of my life music helped me through my first depressive episodes, it helped me to understand my feelings and release them through the music.

At university I joined the DJ team for volunteering work at the student club, and this opened me up to the world of electronic music. After my 3rd year at university, I decided to study abroad for one exchange semester. I picked Melbourne, Australia, a place I knew very little of at the time, but I felt a soul calling to choose it. In Melbourne I continued to DJ, discovering a new music scene and new music genres. I ended up staying for much longer in Melbourne than I had planned originally, and DJing became my main focus for quite some years. Through DJing, I got to understand how music brings us together as a collective, and that these moments of deep connection with others surrounded by uplifting and inspiring sounds and vibrations can such have a profound effect on us as spiritual, vibrational beings.

My first few years in Melbourne inspired me so much, while I was growing as a DJ and eventually music producer as well, I had met a lot of people and also gained an understanding of the music scene from a few different perspectives – as the DJ, promoter, event organiser, music blogger as well as consumer. It was all so exciting, and I put so much time and effort into all these areas, but unfortunately not enough into my own health and wellbeing.

While I had experienced some great success within the music industry, I also suffered from a lot of stress, anxiety, eating disorders, depression and hormonal issues. My relationship at the time was very destructive and abusive, and I was missing my family a lot and I felt very lonely at times. Eventually I had a wake up call, I couldn’t continue living this way – even though I had no clue on how to move forward, I had to take the leap and finally trust that inner voice that I had come to push away and ignore. I ended the relationship and got a stable part time job that kept me secure financially, which allowed me to put more focus on my own health challenges. Not even a year later, I met my soulmate Luke, who’s unconditional love healed me on so many levels. Our relationship has truly been a blessing in my life, and he’s been a great support for me through my career change and personal transformation.

After a few years of DJing, I started listening to binaural beats and isochronic tones, to help me fall asleep, stay calm and relaxed. This was my first personal experiences of sound healing, using pure frequencies to make myself feel better. I got more and more interested in the effects of sound on our health and wellbeing, and I wanted to be able to work with sounds in a more direct and purposeful way. It was during our extended travelling journey in 2019 that I realised I needed to study this, and after some research online I found Sound Healing Academy. After the first Foundation Course workshop, I was totally hooked! This was what my heart has been yearning for, a way to combine frequencies and healing into one modality.

Sound and music bring us not just closer to each other, but also to ourselves and to Source. Whenever I feel out of balance, I’ve always turned to sounds and music too sooth and aid in helping me to shift into a better state of being. I am now a qualified Sound Healing Practitioner and I’m so excited to share this incredible gift to the world!

Sandra is very professionally, talented, consistent but adaptable and flexible. I felt that I was in good hands, and we made a lot of progress towards achieving my intention.

Try this out with Sandra. She is reliable and talented, and I really think I benefited from this experience.

— Steph Dimopoulos