Let’s be honest, the war on drugs has failed and continues to fail. After decades of prohibition, recreational substances are still rampant and more accessible then ever before with the rise of silk road and other darknet sites. The common saying “just say no” has shown time after time not to work, and in fact may increase the urge to try substances because it is forbidden. Humans throughout history have shown their innate desire to seek altered states of consciousness, with most cultures having a sacred medicine, drink or even mushrooms that allowed them access to spiritual visions essentially having a psychedelic experience. Unfortunately, in these modern times, such things are not as widely accepted and are outlawed, but we still seek altered states through drinking our morning coffee for stimulation or having a glass of wine with dinner to end the day. At the end of the day, if someone wants to seek and take a drug they will do so despite the law and we see this within our society. Due to it being so taboo and outlawed, we lack true unbiased drug education within society. There is and always has been an immense push of scare tactics to deter people from taking drugs, but this also does not work which causes more misinformation and harm to the user. I am a true believer that if we want to saves peoples lives from the dangers of drugs, instead of trying to scare them away, we need to educate so that people truly understand how these substances work, their possible interactions with other drugs and how to mitigate the toxicity. I am not condoning the use of drugs by all means, but I am all for true unbiased education so that people have the knowledge to make the right choices which inevitably will save lives and create a safer environment for the user. When we change our perspective on drugs, we will change our reality and how our society approaches the subject. Instead of pushing the subject away and turning a blind eye to it, we need to face it and understand why people want to seek them and how they these substances work.
At Alchemic Health we dedicated to helping people with addiction and drug rehabilitation. Alongside this we also are here to spread unbiased information about drugs and how to counter their toxicity (if there is any) through natural therapies. Knowledge is power and we want to grant people the power to understand themselves and what they are consuming so that they may make the right choices for themselves. We need to be compassionate to all works of life as everyone is different and has had different life experience, stop demonizing people and actually take the time to understand them.
In the near future, I will be bringing you true drug education and ways to biohack your recreational experience to create a safer environment. I know if I tell you not to do it, you will most likely still do it, so I want to give you the right knowledge and education so that I know I have done my part to help saves lives and peoples health, stay tuned.
Written by Luke Pavasovic
Director and Naturopath at Alchemic Health